WPS follows Fauquier County Public Schools’ (FCPS) plan when inclement weather comes our way because FCPS has the resources needed to make informed decisions about road conditions, forecasts, etc. This has worked out well for us over the years, and even though FCPS doesn’t always get it right, we feel they do the best they can to keep everyone safe.
From the FCPS website: Please note that decisions concerning school closings are based on conditions across all of Fauquier County. While conditions may appear safe in one area, conditions may not be safe in another area of the county. Decisions about closings, delayed openings, or early dismissals are based on the best available information concerning conditions throughout Fauquier County.
When Fauquier County Public Schools are CLOSED due to inclement weather . . . WPS will also be CLOSED.
When Fauquier County Public Schools OPEN TWO HOURS LATE due to inclement weather . . . WPS will also OPEN TWO HOURS LATE AND DISMISS ONE HOUR LATER THAN USUAL.
Two Hour Delay Schedule 2024/2025
Door C6
Door C6
Car Lane-Door D-8
Car Lane-Door D-8
In the event of a two-hour delay, ALL students (including our 2-year-olds) need to bring a packed lunch to school.
Delayed Openings
A 2-hour delay can be a little confusing for our parents . . . drop-off is 2 hours later than usual, but pick-up is only 1 hour later than usual.
Early Dismissals
WPS rarely needs to follow suit if FCPS decides to dismiss early for inclement weather since we already dismiss mid-day. If we do find the need, a message will be posted on our website, and a group email message will be sent to parents. We will follow up with individual phone calls if it seems some are unaware of the dismissal.
How to Find Out About Weather Related Schedule Changes
There are several places you can go for information about inclement weather schedule changes: the WPS website (warrentonpresbyterianschool.com), the FCPS website (fcps1.org), the FCPS information line (540-422-7250), as well as local television and radio stations. You can also sign up to receive automatic alerts from FCPS (see their website for directions).
Effects on Extended Day
Extended Day will be offered on days with delayed openings and pick-up will take place at 3:00, as usual. If school is closed (or dismisses early), those registered to stay will receive credit for missed sessions that can be applied in subsequent months.